Alontan Lozione 0+
Alontan Lozione 0+ is a non spray lotion, to protect newborns from breathing any sprayed product containing the active substance (etil butilacetilaminopropionato 10%). Alontan Lozione 0+ protects immediately after application. It absorbs easily and quickly. Protects against common mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes (8 hours) and ticks (7 hours).
Apply a suitable amount of repellent with the palm of your hand and distribute the lotion over exposed skin. Make sure to protect eyes. Do not apply to the eye area.
The product can be applied once a day for children under 12 years and twice a day for adults and children over 12 years.
Do not apply on cuts, reddened skin, lips or near eyes. To avoid irritation, do not use immediately after shaving. Do not allow children to use unsupervised. The application of sun products after using the repellent alters the effectiveness of the repellent. In case of concomitant use of the product with a sun cream or lotion, apply the sun cream first and wait 20 minutes before applying the product.
Protects against diseases transmitted by arthropods and their vectors. Read the Istisan Report.
USE BIOCIDES WITH CAUTION. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. COMPOSITION: 100 grams of product contains: Ethyl butyl acetylamino propionate ( CAS No.: 52304 36 6, EC No. 257 835 0) 10% w/w.
Did you know...?
Mosquitoes bite
children more
than adults

Mosquitoes bite children more than adults
Newborns and children are the most vulnerable. Mosquitoes are attracted by heat, and since children and infants have a greater surface/weight ratio than adults they disperse more heat. In fact, they have 500 sweat glands (compared to 120 in adults) which cause increased sweating, thus attracting more mosquitoes. Mosquitoes even bite in the dark because of the scent of certain substances emitted by the body, such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid and sweat.